Discussing the development of the global physical education together:A review of the wonderful keynote presentations in WPEA’s founding meeting


From April 12th to April 14th, 2023, the founding meeting of the World Physical Education Alliance (WPEA) hosted by East China Normal University (ECNU) was successfully held. During the meeting, 22 experts and scholars from 18 countries/regions gave a series of keynote presentations on the theme of History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Various Countries. Experts and scholars from all over the world gathered online to discuss the development of physical education in the world. In response to the demand of some scholars who missed the conference due to time difference and other reasons, with the consent of some experts and scholars, we have brought you a wonderful review.

Dr. Liu Ji from East China Normal University delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Development, and Future of Physical Education in China.

Dr. Mawarni Mohamed and Dr. Ahmad Fahim Zulkifli from Universiti Teknologi MARA delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Health Education in Malaysia.

Dr. Akira Maehashi from Waseda University delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Japan----from the Perspective of Children’s Physical Education.

Dr. Darla M. Castelli from University of Texas at Austin delivered a keynote presentation titled History of Physical Education in the United Stated.

Dr. Koh Koon Teck from Nanyang Technological University delivered a keynote presentation titled Past, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Singapore.

Dr. Ian Culpan from University of Canterbury delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in New Zealand.

Dr. Tandiyo Rahayu from Universitas Negeri Semarang delivered a keynote presentation titled Physical Education in Indonesia----Between Hope and Reality.

Dr. Bronwen Hughes from University of Naples Parthenope delivered a keynote presentation titled The History of Sport in Italy.

Dr. Stafeeva Anastasia Vladimirovna from Minin University delivered a keynote presentation titled The Specificity of Physical Education Programs Implementation at Minin University.

Dr. Ferman Konukman from Qatar University delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Qatar.

Dr. Jacques Prioux from École normale supérieure de Rennes delivered a keynote presentation titled Physical Education and Sport: the French Case.

Dr. Kevin Power from Memorial University of Newfoundland delivered a keynote presentation titled Past, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Canada.

Dr. Sonthaya Sriramatr from Srinakharinwirot University delivered a keynote presentation titled History of Physical Education in Thailand.

Dr. WaiKeung Kam from The Education University of Hong Kong delivered a keynote presentation titled Past, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Hong Kong.

Dr. Francesca Latino from Pegaso University delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Italy.

Dr. Gıyasettin Demirhan from Hacettepe University delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Turkey.

Dr. Takayoshi Koide from Daito Bunka University delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in Japanese Lower Secondary School, Higher Secondary School and University/College.

Dr. David Grecic from University of Central Lancashire delivered a keynote presentation titled History, Present, and Future of Physical Education in UK.